Archivamatica Camp: York

Archivematica Camp York was held in York, UK from 04/04/2017 until 06/04/2017 and was cohosted by Artefactual Systems (developer of the open source software Archivematica) and the University of York. The camp was inspired by similar workshops,such as Islandora Camp, Fedora Camp and Hydra Camp. The two main goals of the workshop were:

  1. Showing cultural heritage institutions a possible way of implementing their preservation plans for born digital and digitized heritage into a working, open source, OAIS-compliant repository
  2. Providing a space for anyone interested in or currently using Archivematica to come together, learn about the platform from other users, and share their experiences

The camp brought together digital heritage producers, digital curators, software developers, systems administrators and application managers from more than 30 institutions and companies from the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Brazil and Germany. The different presentations and workshops covered a wide range of topics, including:

  • A general introduction to the software package Archivematica, including exercises to provide hands-on experience
  • A detailed overview of the general workflow and the workflow of the different modules + examples of how to customize the different workflows
  • An explanation on basic and specialized deployment methods
  • A detailed overview of the metadata schemes and implementations used + information on how to add extra standards or customize existing ones
  • A detailed overview of the technical architecture and it's possible customizations + a roadmap for future changes to the architecture and how users can steer these future developments
  • Use cases and presentations of specialized or customized deployments in different cultural heritage institutions

Praktische info

Looptijd van
Artefactual Systems
Maarten Savels
Bagattenstraat 174, 9000 Gent
09 224 00 79

Archivematica Camp: York was hosted by Artefactual Systems, Vancouver, Canada with the support from the University of York, UK

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