Measures of Support for Intangible Cultural Heritage: Governments, Institutions and Municipalities | Oproep voor papers

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In april 2011 organiseert de 'Conseil québécois du patrimoine vivant (CQPV)' een internationale conferentie rond de initiatieven die de afgelopen jaren wereldwijd genomen werden ter ondersteuning van het immateriele culturele erfgoed. Uit de uitnodiging:

"Ever since the ratification of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, many concrete experiences have taken place throughout the world to facilitate the development of ICH. Numerous initiatives have emerged thanks to governmental, institutional and municipal support. This assistance has taken various forms in different regions of the world: laws on intangible heritage; development policies; support programs; recognition through awards or official designation; national pedagogical curriculums; municipal or regional partnerships with associations or individuals; creation of institutions for dissemination, administration or education; production of inventories or ethnological collections, etc. In conjunction with these national activities, UNESCO implemented measures to ensure the protection of certain facets of the world’s intangible cultural heritage, namely through its Representative List.

In Quebec (Canada), the Minister of Culture submitted a government bill to the National Assembly in February 2010 (Loi sur le patrimoine culturel) that is inspired by the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. With this law, the government of Quebec confirms its intention to officially designate certain elements of the nation’s intangible cultural heritage and to provide financial support. Municipalities will also gain the ability to recognize local elements of this intangible heritage.

Through this conference entitled 'Measures of Support for Intangible Cultural Heritage: Governments, Institutions and Municipalities,' the Conseil québécois du patrimoine vivant (CQPV) will bring together professionals and decision-makers in the field in order to encourage the exchange of international expertise. This conference will provide a way for participants to discover best practices in the field and to evaluate how the experience of certain countries or municipalities could apply elsewhere. It will also provide ways to learn from actual regional case studies in order to better reflect on the whole process of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage."

Momenteel loopt een oproep tot het indienen van papers. De deadline is 15 juli 2010 - meer informatie over mogelijke onderwerpen vindt u samen met de indienvoorwaarden op de website van CQPV.

immaterieel cultureel erfgoed